If power perturbs you,
If positions disturb you,
Ponder over…
If safe play is your game,
If the bull is not for you to tame,
Ponder over…
If you silently pass by neighborhood bullies,
Yet shout out loud to be with ‘freedom’ allies,
Ponder over….
Positive thinking is not turning blind to negative
Being in the good books of many does not guarantee
No mother lets the child err willfully,
No friend ignores misdeeds willingly….
The spirit of togetherness is not just in
It reflects and thrives in empathetic conversations…
If misunderstandings of a few are ignored,
It’s akin to supporting the accused…
Say ‘No’ to bullying and stand by the victim,
After all, integrity is the fruit of true wisdom.
Image courtesy: https://pixabay.com/en/misunderstanding-black-men-2421389/